Anna Borowiak



Ogólne zainteresowania badawcze: językoznawstwo koreanistyczne oraz dydaktyka języka koreańskiego


Magister etnolingiwstyki UAM w Poznaniu (język specjalizacyjny: koreański). Brała udział w kursach językowych na Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (w Seulu) oraz The Academy of Korean Studies (w Seongnam). Kilkuletnia stypendystka Rzadu Republiki Korei. Absolwentka Wydziału Języka i Literatury Koreańskiej na Kyung Hee University. Doktorat tegoż uniwersytetu uzyskała w zakresie językoznawstwa koreanistycznego w 2012 r. Pierwszy absolwent UAM-u posiadający stopień doktora uzyskany na koreańskiej uczelni.

Doświadczenie zawodowe:

od III 2012 r. do II 2019 r. starszy wykładowca, a od III 2019 r. adiunkt w Zakładzie Filologii Koreańskiej, na Wydziale Neofilologii, UAM

(do tej pory prowadziła następujące zajęcia konwersatoryjne dla studentów wszystkich roczników studiów stacjonarnych I i II stopnia: praktyczna nauka języka koreańskiego (I, II, III rok I stopnia oraz I rok II stopnia), gramatyka opisowa języka koreańskiego (II i III rok), teoria i praktyka przekładu (III rok), seminarium licencjackie, konwersatoria monograficzne dla studentów I i II roku studiów magisterskich),

– od X 2013 r. wykładowca języka koreańskiego w Instytucie Króla Sejonga w Poznaniu.



Wybrane publikacje: 


  1. Anna Borowiak (2009) ‘폴란드어의 차용 어휘 연구 – 형용사를 중심으로 -’, 동유럽발칸학, 제 11권 1호, pp. 3-36.
  2. Anna Borowiak (2010) ‘비분류사 언어로서의 폴란드어 분류사의 특성’, 슬라브학보 제 25권 3호, pp. 45-74.
  3. Anna Borowiak (2010) ‘폴란드어와 한국어 분류사의 대조 연구’, 이중언어학 제 43호, pp. 163-216.
  4. Anna Borowiak (2015) ‘On Some Selected Problems of Korean Abbreviology’, International Journal of Korean Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Modern Languages, Adam Mickiewicz University, Vol. I, pp. 137-164.
  5. Anna Borowiak (2016) ‘On Some Properties Of Acronyms Used in Korean’, International Journal of Korean Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Modern Languages, Adam Mickiewicz University, Vol. II, pp. 123-155.
  6. Anna Borowiak (2017) ‘A Draft Classification of Attributes in Korean and Polish Languages’, International Journal of Korean Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Modern Languages, Adam Mickiewicz University, Vol. III, pp. 11-50.
  7. Anna Borowiak and Choonsil Lim (2018) ‘Korean Language Education in the Era of Globalization’, International Journal of Korean Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Modern Languages, Adam Mickiewicz University, Vol. IV, pp. 7-55.


  1. Anna Borowiak (2017) ‘폴란드어권 학습자를 위한 한국어 문법 교육 방안 – ’-느라고’ 중심으로 –’. 2017 유럽 한국어교육자 현지 워크숍 <유럽 한국어 학습자를 위한 한국어 교수법>, Korea Foundation, IAKLE, Ankara University, Turkey, pp. 79-110.
  2. Anna Borowiak (2017) ‘외국어로서의 한국어 교육과정에서 문화교육 지도의 중요성’, 국제한국어교육학회 제27차 국제학술대회 <한국어 교실에서의 상호문화 관점의 실천>, IAKLE, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea, pp. 345-360.
  3. Anna Borowiak (2017) ‘폴란드인 학습자용 한국어 중급 문법 사전 개발 기초 연구 –‘-느라고-’를 중심으로-’, 국외 한국어 전문가 초청 연수회 최종 연구물, The National Institute of Korean Language, Ewha Womans University Ewha Language Center, Seoul, South Korea, pp. 299-338.
  4. Anna Borowiak (2018) ‘폴란드어권 한국어 학습자들의 관형어 사용양상 및 교육 방안 연구’, [In] ‘유럽 한국어 교육의 동향과 보고’ (‘Report on Korean Language Education n Europe and Current Trends’), ed. 김정영, Seoul, South Korea, 도서출판, pp. 47-77.
  5. Anna Borowiak (2018) ‘폴란드인 한국어 학습자를 위한 교육 자료 개발 -현실과 도전-’ 국제한국어교육학회 제28차 국제학술대회 <기술 혁명 시대와 한국어 교재 개발의 새 지평 > , IAKLE, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea, pp. 99-137.

Udział w konferencjach

  1. Anna Borowiak (2006) ‘폴란드인 학습자를 위한 한국어 조사의 교육’, International Conference on Korean Studies, Poznań, Poland.
  2. Anna Borowiak (2006) ‘Teaching some of the polysemantic particles in Korean to Polish students’, 3rd Korean Studies Graduate Students Convention (KSGSC), Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
  3. Anna Borowiak (2013) ‘A Contrastive Study on Word Formation in Korean and Polish Language with the Focus on Adjective Derivation’. The Conference on Korean Language and Culture, Poznań, Poland.
  4. Anna Borowiak (2015) ‘On Some Properties of Acronyms Used in Korean’. The 3rd International Conference on Korean Humanities and Social Sciences –Language, Literature, Culture and Translation, Poznań, Poland.
  5. Anna Borowiak (2016) ‘Korean And Polish Attributes In Contrastive Perspective’, The 4th International Conference on Korean Humanities and Social Sciences – Language, Literature, Culture and Translation, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea.
  6. Anna Borowiak and Lim Choonsil (2016) 'Korean Language Education in the Era of Globalization – with the focus on books and teaching materials’, The 15th International Conference CEESOK – “New Trends In Korean Studies”, Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Linguistics, Poznań-Gniezno.
  7. Anna Borowiak (2017) 'Korean and Polish Word Order in Contrastive Perspective – with the focus on attributes’, The 5th  International Conference on Korean Humanities and Social Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University, Kołobrzeg.
  8. Anna Borowiak (2017) ‘외국어로서의 한국어 교육과정에서 문화교육 지도의 중요성’, 국제한국어교육학회 제27차 국제학술대회 <한국어 교실에서의 상호문화 관점의 실천>, (5-6 August), IAKLE, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea.
  9. Anna Borowiak (2017) ‘폴란드어권 학습자를 위한 한국어 문법 교육 방안 – ’-느라고’ 중심으로 –’. 2017 유럽 한국어교육자 현지 워크숍 <유럽 한국어 학습자를 위한 한국어 교수법>, (8-9 December), IAKLE, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
  10. Anna Borowiak (2018) ‘폴란드어권 학습자를 위한 관형어 교육 방안 연구’. 제7차 유럽 한국어 교육자 워크숍, (12-13 April), EAKLE, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
  11. Anna Borowiak (2018)A Lapsological Study in the Usage of Korean Particles by Polish Learners – with the Focus on “-e” and “-eseo”’. The 1st International Asian Congress, (13-15 July), Institute of Linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University and Yonsei University (South Korea), Poznan, Poland.
  12. Anna Borowiak (2018) ‘폴란드인 한국어 학습자를 위한 교육 자료 개발 -현실과 도전-’ 국제한국어교육학회 제28차 국제학술대회 <기술 혁명 시대와 한국어 교재 개발의 새 지평 >, (06-07 August), IAKLE, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea.
  13. Anna Borowiak (2018) ‘폴란드의 한국어와 한국학 교육 현황과 과제’, The 1st Academic Conference on Central Eurasia (Korean Studies), (11-12 October) T.R. Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Działalność redakcyjna 

Członek Komitetu Redakcyjnego The International Journal of Korean Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. III (2017), Vol. IV (2018).

Wykłady gościnne 

‘유럽과 폴란드에서의 한국어 교육 현황’ Ewha Language Center, Seul, South Korea, (18 July, 2017).

Przynależność do Organizacji i Stowarzyszeń naukowych

이중언어학회 (The Korean Society of Bilingualism)

국제한국어교육학회 (The International Association of Korean Language Education, IAKLE)

유럽 한국어 교육자 협회 (European Association for Korean Language Education, EAKLE)

Działalność pozadydaktyczna i organizacyjna

  1. Członek Rady Wydziału Neofilologii UAM (2016-2020)
  2. Członek Rady Instytutu Językoznawstwa, UAM (2016-2020)
  3. Opiekun studentów Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) przyjeżdżających na UAM w ramach umowy bilateralnej
  4. Członek Komitetu Organizacyjnego ‘The 5th International Conference on Korean Humanities and Social Sciences’, UAM- Inha University, Incheon, South Korea (18-19 August 2016)
  5. Członek Komitetu Organizacyjnego ‘The 6th International Conference on Korean Humanities and Social Sciences’, UAM- Inha University, Kołobrzeg, (17-18 February 2017)
  6. Organizator I, II i III Konkursu Krasomówczego z Języka Koreańskiego (ZFK UAM, CKK Warszawa)

Nagrody i wyróżnienia 

  1. Wyróżnienie za bardzo dobre wyniki w nauce, przyznane przez The National Institute for International Education Development (NIIED), Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Seoul, South Korea (18 December 2006)
  2. Wyróżnienie za rozprawę doktorską pt. ‘한국어와 폴란드어 형용사의 파생법 대조 연구’, napisaną na Korean Language and Literature Department, Kyung Hee University, przyznane przez JM Rektora tejże uczelni, Seoul, South Korea (15 February 2012)
  3. Wyróżnenie za najlepszy artykuł, przyznane przez The National Institute of Korean Language (NIKL), tytuł artytułu: ‘폴란드인 학습자용 한국어 중급 문법 사전 개발 기초 연구 – „-느라고”를 중심으로–’ , Seoul, South Korea (24 August 2017)
  4. Friendship Award, przyznana przez Ewha Womans University Ewha Language Center, Seoul, South Korea (24 August 2017)